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Home. Of course, the whole point of developing a science of society is to improve society. Although I've never seen any job openings in the want ads for social scientists, we are obviously in desperate need of some. We humans are a cancer upon the earth. We are destroying every province of our environment. Although our civilization is global, fossil- fuel- based and not regional and wood and animal power based like previous civilizations, all the major trends portend of another collapse. If this civilization collapses, there will be nowhere for anyone to run; and humanity might never recover. Ask anyone over fifty years of age (when they are sober and not trying to sell you something), and they will tell you that there is no hope for man.

They have witnessed a constant decline in our environment, in our family life and social relations and in our security. But there is no human problem that human intelligence can't solve.  I know what we must do to get our world and our lives in order; but the present leaders of our world are not listening to me. Not only are they not listening; but due to two frequent, universal and institutionalized, mental disorders, they have been doing almost everything in their power, legal and illegal to censor and suppress me and my message. I am running for president because I believe it is the best way, and perhaps the only way, to publicize my new social science and begin to change the world. Now that I am a candidate for a state office that affects all of my countrymen, all of you will realize that when they violate my civil liberties and suppress my political message; they are violating your civil liberties, your right to learn and to know.

Stargazers on the East Coast of the US will get a special spectral treat tonight as NASA prepares its sixth attempt at a rocket launch. Later this evening, the space.

Without the First Amendment rights that our constitution is supposed to guarantee, without freedom of social and political information, power ceases to reside in the people and all claims of democracy are farcical. Our homeland will be most secure when our Chief of Homeland Security  is Ed Snowden or someone exactly like Ed Snowden. The fact that Ed is being hunted by the very people whom he ought to be leading shows how upside down our country has become. I will never advocate the destruction (or even the permanent disabling) of anyone or any institution. No matter how passionately I disagree with you or your institution on various issues, you will never need to fear me.  There is nothing in our world that is all good or all bad.

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Watch Monogamy Download

Everyone and every institution does some good and intends to do good. I am, for example, totally opposed to war and to the belief in spirits; but that doesn't mean that churches and militaries cant' be made wholly positive by changing their ideologies and missions.

As individuals, the worst of us merely become confused due to neglect, believing in our own lies and adopting the legacies of lies that every generation of every culture bequeathe to us. Improving our world is wholly a  matter of learning, especially learning the truth about our ancestors and ourselves and changing the way we live. Seeing ourselves and knowing ourselves as we truly are might just be the most difficult thing in the entire world; but when we do learn anything basic about ourselves, change is automatic. Let's get on with Social Science Lesson Number One: the most basic and important fact of social life.

But before I share it, I want to help many of you learn something personal about yourselves. How easy or difficult it is for you to learn Social Science Lesson Number One will depend entirely upon whether you have either or both of the two universal forms of mental illness mentioned in my third paragraph, above. The first, universal form of mental illness is the belief in metaphysics and philosophical idealism, in things that are imperishable and not material, not made of electrons. Protons and neutrons are just billions of electrons packed together. Read Mark Mc. Cutcheon’s “The Final Theory” if you are interested in physics.) Immaterial “spirits” are the projections of persons for whom we have mixed emotions that struggle with one another, the struggle being unlocatable due to the suppression of either the positive or the negative side. The wishful thinker in all of us wants to believe in spirits because their existence seems to confirm the wishful belief in our “immortal soul,” which is really the ego, the mind’s operating system, a circuit of electrons (within the intralaminar nucleus, a donut- shaped object in the base of the brain) that adjusts to and interacts with attached ganglia.

Organized religions supply us with names for the spirits, names derived from our highly- compromised oral histories. See my works; “Decoding the Deluge,” “Irish Mythology” and “The First Christmas” for a scientific understanding of the four, universal groups of ancestors and relatives and the one individual (the same- sex parent) that condensed into the "gods" and "demons" (or modern "God" and "Devil" or the wrathful "God" of the "Chosen People") and everything else you’d ever want to know about religion. The literal belief in sacred myths and rituals (which are only symbolically true) shrouds our prehistory; popularizes the false philosophies of metaphysics, philosophical idealism and naïve altruism; and keeps people in an infantile state of mind. Infants who think that some god or devil controls our destinies and decides matters of life and death cannot think and act as responsible adults.

They resent adults. Most of the world’s poor people are afflicted with this form of mental illness. If you literally believe in any religion, Social Science Lesson Number One will be very difficult for you. The second, universal, mental illness that severely hinders human learning and social change is homophobia/latent homosexuality.

This is an illness that afflicts almost all of the rich and powerful, which is why I’ve had to introduce the subject very gradually and cautiously into my books. It is the cryptic subject of George Orwell’s popular novel, "1. Austin Powers In Goldmember Full Movie. As all of my books on religion reveal, Jesus was only a mythological character. George Orwell was a historical person who really did die for our sins (savagery).

He knew that if he continued to live after 1. Big Brother." Big Brother is a composite of all the latently homosexual people. The richest and most powerful individuals within this composite are those with the broadest and longest latent homosexual lineage, those whose families have been the most and longest dominated by latent homosexuals. There is nothing "luminary" or "illuminated" about them. They specialize in everything dark and deceitful.

In 1. 94. 9, at the time of 1. Big Brother's identity, the book would have been killed in its cradle. George Orwell died to save his book and our chances of learning its civilizing message.​Lenny Bruce was one of the few who got George's message. Lenny realized too that all superheroes are archetypal latent homosexuals. The "Lone Ranger" (that masked man in the tight silk underwear, who sports a scarlet scarf, shoots silver bullets from his gun and has a male partner whose English is not good enough to tell any tales) is the ultimate latent homosexual male. In the 1. 95. 0s, Lenny couldn't finish a comedic performance of his Lone Ranger routine - - anywhere - - without the police bursting into the room, cuffing him and hauling him off to jail!

Although we're told Lenny died of a drug overdose, he really died of a police overdose. But things are getting better. Nineteen years after graduating from law school and scoring in the top two percentile on the Multistate Bar Exam, insane fundamentalists and latent homosexuals are still blocking my admission to the New York State Bar Association; but I've been arrested only twice and jailed only once for "offenses" similar to Lenny's. So I now dare to give you the message straight and unabridged. Here it is. We all love our siblings, and we tend to love them equally. Ask any little child, and he or she will assure you of this.

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