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Robert Spencer (author) - Wikipedia. Robert Bruce Spencer (born February 2. American author and blogger and a key figure of the "counter- jihad" movement in the United States.[1] He appears frequently on Fox News[2] and has given seminars to various law enforcement units in the United States.[3]Spencer, a self- proclaimed expert on radical Islam,[4] has published a number of books on the subject including two New York Times bestsellers.[5] In 2. Jihad Watch, a blog which he describes as containing "news of the international jihad, [and] commentary"[6] which is dedicated to "bringing public attention to the role that jihad theology and ideology plays in the modern world, and to correcting popular misconceptions about the role of jihad and religion in modern- day conflicts".[7]He has also co- founded Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) and the Freedom Defense Initiative with blogger Pamela Geller, with whom he also co- authored a book, The Post- American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America. His viewpoints have been described as anti- Islamic or Islamophobic,[8] while he denies this and says he focuses his criticism on radical Islam and its violence.[4] In 2. UK Home Office has barred Spencer and Geller from travel to the UK for 3 to 5 years for "making statements that may foster hatred that might lead to inter- community violence".

Background. Spencer is a member of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church, the Eastern Catholic Antiochian Greek Catholic counterpart of the ancient Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch.[9][1. It is a sui iuris church of the Catholic Church whose adherents are, according to Spencer, "mostly concentrated in Lebanon and Syria, also in Jordan and the Palestinian territories."[6] In a 2. Spencer stated that his grandparents were forced to emigrate from an area that is now part of Turkey because they were Christians.[6] According to a 2. New York magazine, Spencer's father worked for the Voice of America during the Cold War, and in his younger days, Spencer himself worked at Revolution Books, a Maoist bookstore in New York City founded by Robert Avakian.[1. Spencer received an M. A. in 1. 98. 6 in religious studies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

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  1. African-Americans say the discrimination they face in retail stores remains woefully unexamined. Now, some executives and activists are demanding change.
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His masters thesis was on Catholic history.[1. He has said he has been studying Islamic theology, law, and history since 1. He worked in think tanks for more than 2. Free Congress Foundation, an arm of the Heritage Foundation.[1. Spencer named Paul Weyrich, also a Melkite Catholic, as a mentor of his writings on Islam. Spencer writes, "Paul Weyrich taught me a great deal, by word and by example – about how to deal both personally and professionally with the slanders and smears that are a daily aspect of this work."[1. Views on Islam. Spencer does not believe that traditional Islam is "inherently terroristic" but says he can prove that "traditional Islam contains violent and supremacist elements", and that "its various schools unanimously teach warfare against and the subjugation of unbelievers".[1.

However, he rejects the notion that all Muslims are necessarily violent people.[1. He has said that among moderate Muslims, "there are some who are genuinely trying to frame a theory and practice of Islam that will allow for peaceful coexistence with unbelievers as equals."[1.

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Spencer co- founded Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) and the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) with Pamela Geller in 2. Both organizations are designated as hate groups by the Anti- Defamation League[1. Southern Poverty Law Center.[1.

In an interview with The Washington Post he was ".. Spencer chuckled. Why not?" he asked. It's fun.""[2. 2]The Council on American- Islamic Relations has also condemned Robert Spencer on various occasions.[2. Former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto accused Spencer of "falsely constructing a divide between Islam and West". She said he was using the Internet to spread hatred of Islam by presenting a "skewed, one- sided, and inflammatory story that only helps to sow the seed of civilizational conflict".[2. Spencer stated that the passage Bhutto cited was written by Ibn Warraq.[2.

Karen Armstrong has criticized Spencer's work as showing "entrenched hostility" towards Islam, and contends that his citations of Islamic scripture are cherry- picked,[2. Spencer never cites the Koran's condemnation of all warfare as an 'awesome evil', its prohibition of aggression or its insistence that only self- defence justifies armed conflict.." She concludes that "His book is a gift to extremists who can use it to 'prove' .. Spencer responds: "Yet the verse she quotes (2: 2.

Persecution is worse than killing.'" Spencer accuses Armstrong of context- dropping by omitting the fact that this was a defense for Muhammad's war in response to his persecution.[2. Abraham Foxman of the Anti- Defamation League (ADL) called Spencer and Geller American anti- Muslim writers because their writings "promote a conspiratorial anti- Muslim agenda under the pretext of fighting radical Islam. This belief system parallels the creation of an ideological—and far more deadly—form of anti- Semitism in the late 1. He continued, "we must always be wary of those whose love for the Jewish people is born out of hatred of Muslims or Arabs."[2.

The Institute on Religion and Democracy said about him: “Spencer’s comprehensive understanding of his Christian faith and Islam along with lucidly insightful writing give the lie to his international notoriety as a bigoted ‘Islamophobe.'”[3. Dinesh D'Souza, of the Hoover Institution, wrote that Spencer downplays the passages of the Quran that urge peace and goodwill to reach one- sided opinions.

He contends that Spencer applies a moral standard to Muslim empires that could not have been met by any European empire.[3. Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) listed Spencer as a "Smearcaster" in an article in 2. Islamic texts and commentaries, Spencer concludes that Islam is innately extremist and violent".[3. During a chapter of ACT! America in Mission Vejo in 2.

Spencer said that: "When we see the Islamic State (ISIS), we see not only that they embody Islam as I have explained here in this, that's all in the Quran what they do, but also that they embody what may be, the foremost evil force that the world has ever seen."[3. Steve Bannon praised him: "He's… one of the top two or three experts in the world on this great war we are fighting against fundamental Islam."[3. Reverend C. John Mc. Closkey praised him: "Robert Spencer, perhaps the foremost Catholic expert on Islam in our country".[3. Author Peter D. Hannaford praised his book Did Muhammad Exist?: "He has engaged in concerted detective work of a scholarly nature. His book is no polemic. It is a serious quest for facts.

The ones wrapped up in the Muslim canon are, alas, elusive .. This book is well- written and moves right along despite considerable detail."[3. Wolf Bachner from the website Inquisitr defended him in the introduction for an interview: "Spencer uses the authentic teachings of the Qur’an and the Hadith, decades of Islamic Jurisprudence and the actual words of living Islamic clerics and leaders to illustrate the undying hostility expressed towards the non- Muslim world by centuries of Islamic doctrine."[3.

Controversies. On December 2. Pakistan announced a ban on Spencer's book, The Truth About Muhammad, citing "objectionable material" as the cause.[3. Onward Muslim Soldiers was banned in Malaysia on July 1. In 2. 00. 9, Spencer was asked to participate in an information session about Islam and Muslims designed for ethnic and multicultural librarians entitled "Perspectives on Islam: Beyond the Stereotyping", at the 2. American Library Association, which was sponsored by the ALA's Ethnic & Multicultural Information Exchange Round Table (EMIERT).

After objections were raised by ALA members and the general public, the three other panelists withdrew in protest and the session was ultimately canceled.[4.

Men Have Always Used 'Science' to Explain Why They're Better Than Women. Moon 44 Movie Watch Online. On Saturday, Gizmodo published a 1. Google software engineer James Damore blasting the company’s diversity policies. In the now- viral document entitled “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber,” Damore asserts that women are biologically ill- equipped to handle the rigors of the tech industry. The encouraging news is that Damore has now been fired from Google, according to multiple news reports. Sadly, the ideas espoused in his letter echo the same pseudoscience peddled by eugenicists and white supremacists for decades—and they’re unlikely to disappear anytime soon. Many ideas embraced by this ex- Google employee are based largely on the so- called conclusions of evolutionary psychology, a field premised on the idea that our psychological traits are the product of the same natural selection that shaped early human evolution.

In practice, evolutionary psychology has been used to justify everything from rape to claims that certain groups of people are inherently more intelligent than others. It has also been criticized for shoddy methodology, ignoring cultural context, and “leaping to conclusions on inadequate evidence.” Evolutionary psychologists have tried to use their science to determine the best way to seduce women, which they think can be gamed out like Battleship. The field’s fraught and controversial history didn’t stop Damore from espousing some evolutionary psych of his own, to justify the underrepresentation of women at an enormous technology company.“On average, men and women biologically differ in many ways,” Damore wrote. These differences aren’t just socially constructed because [for one thing] they often have clear biological causes and links to prenatal testosterone.. Citing something like “prenatal testosterone” to justify why more men occupy leadership positions in tech reads like classic evolutionary psychology: using a vaguely scientific (andcontroversial) concept to explain an incredibly complex, multifaceted issue. But in evolutionary psychology, many differences between genders in our society (including deep inequities) can be neatly explained away by hard- wired differences in in our brains.“We need to stop assuming that gender gaps imply sexism,” Damore wrote, citing pseudoscientific claims that men get paid more because they have a “higher drive for status” instead of the overwhelming evidence that gender- based discrimination is closely linked to the wage gap. Phua Chu Kang Season 3 Episode 1. Of course, using “science” to justify male superiority is much older than anything espoused by evolutionary psychologists.

The idea that women are less psychologically stable—or more, bluntly, “hysterical”—has been around at least since Hippocrates wrote about it in the 5th century BCE. As Freud and his contemporaries later posited, women’s biology explained their “inherent” insanity. Or, as this particular Google employee called it, their neuroticism.“Women, on average, have more neuroticism (higher anxiety, lower stress tolerance),” Damore wrote. This may contribute to the higher levels of anxiety women report on Googlegeist and to the lower number of women in high stress jobs.” It’s true that women are more likely than men to be anxious, but they’re also more likely to have experienced physical and emotional abuse, both of which contribute to anxiety, for obvious reasons. So the claim that women are “neurotic” without any context as to why—possibly some differences in brain chemistry, but also, just maybe, greater levels of sexual harassment and social isolation in the workplace—is misleading and frankly, insulting. And while Damore wasn’t so extreme as to claim women should be extirpated from the tech world, some of his pseudoscientific notions about why men are inherently better suited to certain jobs ring strongly of eugenics, a school of thinking premised on the idea that certain groups are biologically superior to others. Damore argues that “highly heritable” personality traits (including higher “agreeableness” and a preference for “artistic” jobs among women) are responsible for gender gaps in tech, ignoring cultural explanations.

By this logic, attempting to level the playing field for women is thus misguided—we should be selecting candidates (read: men) with the most desirable traits for high- stress, technically- demanding jobs. Perhaps it’s no coincidence that some evolutionary psychologists have expressed support for the idea of modern eugenics projects. While technology changes and the “science” evolves, the inclination to use biological differences as an excuse for discrimination remains the same.

And while the Google screed focused largely on gender, many of these same arguments have been used to justify racism.“I would argue in fact that the whole idea of whiteness and white supremacy wouldn’t exist without science,” Dr. Chanda Prescod- Weinstein, a theoretical astrophysicist at the University of Washington, told Gizmodo, noting that the European Enlightenment spawned the (now widely- debunked) field of scientific racism. As much as the Google employee’s anti- diversity letter reeks of centuries- old junk science, it’s important to emphasize that even today women, non- binary people, and people of color in STEM fields are still regularly confronted with bigoted attitudes wrapped in a guise of “biology.” All too often, these people fear being blacklisted within their industry if they speak out against workplace discrimination. Oddly enough, the same white men who dominate tech industry in numbers seem to have convinced themselves they’re the ones whose status in the workplace is being threatened.

Ironically—as Damore’s manifesto and the subsequent fallout now illustrate—they may be their own worst enemy. Razia Sultan Episode 44 here.