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Second Battle of Tikrit Wikipedia. Second Battle of Tikrit. Part of Iraqi Civil War 2. Military intervention against ISIL, andthe Salahuddin campaign. Military diagram illustrating the situation in central Salahuddin province, from early to mid March 2. Date. 2 March 1. April 2. Location. Edit. The Bognor Regis Herald The online paper of One Bognor, a campaign about the future and government of Bognor Regis. BOGNOR REGI TODAYS NE. Tikrit, Saladin Governorate, Iraq. Result. Anti ISIL victory. Allied forces encircled Tikrit by 9 March and push into the city 1. March. Allied forces are stalled 1. March. Partial withdraw of some Iran backed Shiite militias on 2. March as US UK start assisting with anti ISIL airstrikes1. Allied forces capture most of Tikrit from 3. March 2 April,1. ISIL resistance persisting1. April1. 8Cleanup and defusing operations in the city continued, with officials predicting that it would take several months to remove the 5,0. IEDs left behind by ISIL1. Territorialchanges. The provincial capital of Saladin Governorate, Tikrit, is recaptured from ISIL, alongside the towns of Abu Ajeel, Al Dour, Al Alam, Al Awja, and others. Belligerents. Iraq Iran1Airstrikes United States22. March only345United Kingdom2. March only6France78Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. Baath Party Loyalists9Commanders and leaders Lt. Gen. Abdel Wahab al Saadi2. Saladin Operations commanderQasem Soleimani2. Head of Quds Force Gen. Sadiq Yari IRGC commander2. PMF commanders Abu Mahdi al Muhandis2. Hadi al AmiriHead of Badr Organization2. Qais Khazali2. 6Madi al Kinani 2. Ali al Moussawi 2. Abu Suleiman al NaserReplacement Military Chief2. Abu NabilISIL Governor of the Saladin Governorate Abu Maria Top ISIL leader in Tikrit3. Izzat Ibrahim ad Douri3. Units involved. Iraq Security Forces. Popular Mobilization Forces. Sunnitribal militias3. Martyrs of Salahiddeen3. Iran United States United Kingdom France Military of ISILStrength. Casualties and losses. Hitcounter Contact Email APSATTV. COM does not support the hacking of PAY TV. The Second Battle of Tikrit was a battle in which the Iraqi forces recaptured the city of Tikrit the provincial capital of the Saladin Governorate from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ISIL. Iraqi forces consisted of the Governments Security Forces and the Popular Mobilization Forces the bulk of the ground forces, consisted of Shia militiamen and also some Sunni tribesmen, receiving assistance from Irans Quds Force officers on the ground, and American, British, and French air forces. The city of Tikrit, located in the central part of the Saladin Governorate in north of Baghdad and Samarra and lying adjacent to the Tigris River, was lost to ISIL during the huge strides made by the group during its offensive in June 2. After its capture, ISIL retaliated with the massacre at Camp Speicher, a nearby training facility for the Iraqi air force. After months of preparation and intelligence gathering, Iraqi forces engaged in offensive operations to fully encircle5. March 2. 01. 5. 6. The offensive is the largest anti ISIL operation to date, involving some 2. Iraqi forces outnumbering ISIL fighters more than 2 to 1, with an estimated 1. ISIL fighters present. It was reported that 9. ISIL and retaliatory attacks by Shia militias once the city is captured. As such, most of the residents fled to nearby cities, such as Baghdad and Samarra, or even further to Iraqi Kurdistan or Lebanon. On 4 April, after several days of heavy fighting and acts of vengeance committed by some Shiite militias, the situation in the city was reported to have been stabilized,6. ISIL resistance were eliminated,6. Iraqi Police Major reporting that The situation now is calm. However, on 5 April, continued resistance by 5. ISIL fighters in the city was reported in several pockets,1. Tikrit for hiding ISIL fighters, especially in the northern Qadisiya District. On 1. 2 April 2. 01. Iraqi forces declared that Tikrit was finally free of all ISIL forces, stating that it was safe for residents to return. However, pockets of resistance persisted until 1. April,7. 0 when the last 1. ISIL sleeper agents in the city were killed. Cleanup and defusing operations in the city continued, but Iraqi officials predicted that it would take at least several months to remove the estimated 5,0. IEDs left behind by ISIL in Tikrit. BackgroundeditTikrit, the hometown of the ex president Saddam Hussein, fell to ISIL during the offensive in June 2. A first attempt to recapture the city in late June 2. ISIL after a few days, as well as another Iraqi attempt to recapture the city in July 2. Subsequent efforts in December 2. ISIL, which consolidated control over Tikrit and its environs. On the morning of 1. August 2. 01. 4, Iraqi government troops and allied militiamen launched a major operation, to retake the city of Tikrit from the militants. The military push started early in the morning from the south and southwest of the city. However, by the afternoon, the offensive had been repelled by the insurgents. Additionally, the military lost its positions in the southern area of the city it had captured a few weeks earlier. The operation in Tikrit counted as the first major attempt by both Iraqi military and the Iran backed Shiite to recapture ground seized by the Islamic State group since the previous summer. PreparationseditIn early February 2. Iraqi forces and their allies began preparations for an attack on Tikrit, with troops arriving in the nearby city of Samarra. The allied forces were composed of a heterogeneous make up, including Iraqi security forces a multitude of Shiite militias which received support, training, and leaders from Iran 7. Sunni tribes. Iranian leaders included officers from the revolutionary guards extraterritorial operations division, the Quds force, including the commander of the Quds force, General Qasem Soleimani himself. Watch Zwart Water Online Mic. The Iraqi Army and security forces, along with Shia militia groups who call themselves Popular Mobilisation units, were to push into Tikrit from several directions. Some Iranian commanders took part in leading the operation,3. Qasem Soleimani directing operations on the eastern flank from a village about 3. Tikrit called Albu Rayash. The offensive was the biggest military operation in the Salahuddin region since the previous summer, when ISIL fighters killed hundreds of Iraq army soldiers who had abandoned their military base at Camp Speicher outside Tikrit. Soleimani was also spotted at camp Speicher where he oversaw elements of the Kataib Imam Ali and the Badr brigades. The Shiite paramilitary groups constituted by far the largest component of the allied forces at 2. Iraqi security forces and roughly a thousand or so Sunni tribesman making up the rest of the combined army. An adviser to the Iraqi government, was quoted as saying that the attackers were divided into an initial assault force of 9,0. Sunni tribesmen who were to pacify the city, and another group which would work on intelligence gathering, reconstruction work, and dealing with the expected refugee flow caused by the fighting. According to reports from locals, most of the civilian residents had left Tikrit for Kurdistan and Baghdad, leaving mostly ISIL fighters inside the city. The UN estimated that about 2. Samarra following the outbreak of the offensive against ISIL. The U. S. led Coalition was not initially a participant in the operation. As the battle commenced, Gen. Martin Dempsey mentioned that, while the U.